In the following function, for each iteration, we can use optimization methods to optimize \(\alpha\).
gd.lm <- function(X, y, beta.init, alpha, tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 100) {
beta.old <- beta.init
J <- betas <- list()
if (alpha == "auto") {
alpha <- optim(0.1, function(alpha) {
lm.cost(X, y, beta.old - alpha * lm.cost.grad(X, y, beta.old))
}, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0, upper = 1)
if (alpha$convergence == 0) {
alpha <- alpha$par
} else {
alpha <- 0.1
betas[[1]] <- beta.old
J[[1]] <- lm.cost(X, y, beta.old) <- beta.old - alpha * lm.cost.grad(X, y, beta.old)
betas[[2]] <-
J[[2]] <- lm.cost(X, y,
iter <- 0
while ((abs(lm.cost(X, y, - lm.cost(X, y, beta.old)) > tol) & (iter <
max.iter)) {
beta.old <-
if (alpha == "auto") {
alpha <- optim(0.1, function(alpha) {
lm.cost(X, y, beta.old - alpha * lm.cost.grad(X, y, beta.old))
}, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0, upper = 1)
if (alpha$convergence == 0) {
alpha <- alpha$par
} else {
alpha <- 0.1
} <- beta.old - alpha * lm.cost.grad(X, y, beta.old)
iter <- iter + 1
betas[[iter + 2]] <-
J[[iter + 2]] <- lm.cost(X, y,
if (abs(lm.cost(X, y, - lm.cost(X, y, beta.old)) > tol) {
cat("Could not converge. \n")
} else {
cat("Converged. \n")
cat("Iterated", iter + 1, "times.", "\n")
cat("Coef: ",, "\n")
return(list(coef = betas, cost = J, niter = iter + 1))
## Make the cost function
lm.cost <- function(X, y, beta) {
n <- length(y)
loss <- sum((X %*% beta - y)^2)/(2 * n)
## Calculate the gradient
lm.cost.grad <- function(X, y, beta) {
n <- length(y)
(1/n) * (t(X) %*% (X %*% beta - y))
Let us now generate some data and compare functions with and without optimized \(\alpha\).
## Generate some data
beta0 <- 1
beta1 <- 3
sigma <- 1
n <- 10000
x <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
y <- beta0 + x * beta1 + rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
X <- cbind(1, x) <- gd.lm(X, y, beta.init = c(0, 0), alpha = "auto", tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 10000)
## Converged.
## Iterated 3 times.
## Coef: 0.995839 2.998762
gd1 <- gd.lm(X, y, beta.init = c(0, 0), alpha = 0.1, tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 10000)
## Converged.
## Iterated 55 times.
## Coef: 0.9934615 2.99014
betas <-, gd1$coef)))
colnames(betas) <- c("beta0", "beta1")
betas <- betas %>% mutate(iter = 1:nrow(betas))
betas <- melt(betas, id.vars = "iter", = "coef")
p1 <- ggplot(betas, aes(iter, value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = coef)) + ylim(c(0,
3.5)) + ggtitle("alpha = 0.1") + xlim(c(0, 600))
gd2 <- gd.lm(X, y, beta.init = c(0, 0), alpha = 0.01, tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 10000)
## Converged.
## Iterated 455 times.
## Coef: 0.9872457 2.969085
betas <-, gd2$coef)))
colnames(betas) <- c("beta0", "beta1")
betas <- betas %>% mutate(iter = 1:nrow(betas))
betas <- melt(betas, id.vars = "iter", = "coef")
p2 <- ggplot(betas, aes(iter, value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = coef)) + ylim(c(0,
3.5)) + ggtitle("alpha = 0.01") + xlim(c(0, 600))
niter <- data.frame(alpha = c("auto", 0.1, 0.01), niter = c($niter, gd1$niter,
p1 + p2
knitr::kable(niter) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
alpha | niter |
auto | 3 |
0.1 | 55 |
0.01 | 455 |
We find that using optimized \(\alpha\) improves iteration efficiency significantly, while using smaller learning rates yields larger number of iterations.
Recall the SGD iteration. Repeat the following until convergence {
\[\beta:= \beta - \alpha \nabla J(\beta)_i.\]
sgd.lm <- function(X, y, beta.init, alpha = 0.5, n.samples = 1, tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 100) {
n <- length(y)
beta.old <- beta.init
J <- betas <- list()
sto.sample <- sample(1:n, n.samples, replace = TRUE)
betas[[1]] <- beta.old
J[[1]] <- lm.cost(X, y, beta.old) <- beta.old - alpha * sgd.lm.cost.grad(X[sto.sample, ], y[sto.sample],
betas[[2]] <-
J[[2]] <- lm.cost(X, y,
iter <- 0 <- 0
while ((abs(lm.cost(X, y, - lm.cost(X, y, beta.old)) > tol) & (iter +
2 < max.iter)) {
beta.old <-
sto.sample <- sample(1:n, n.samples, replace = TRUE) <- beta.old - alpha * sgd.lm.cost.grad(X[sto.sample, ], y[sto.sample],
iter <- iter + 1
betas[[iter + 2]] <-
J[[iter + 2]] <- lm.cost(X, y,
if (abs(lm.cost(X, y, - lm.cost(X, y, beta.old)) > tol) {
cat("Could not converge. \n")
} else {
cat("Converged. \n")
cat("Iterated", iter + 1, "times.", "\n")
cat("Coef: ",, "\n")
return(list(coef = betas, cost = J, niter = iter + 1))
## Make the cost function
sgd.lm.cost <- function(X, y, beta) {
n <- length(y)
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- matrix(X, nrow = 1)
loss <- sum((X %*% beta - y)^2)/(2 * n)
## Calculate the gradient
sgd.lm.cost.grad <- function(X, y, beta) {
n <- length(y)
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- matrix(X, nrow = 1)
t(X) %*% (X %*% beta - y)/n
Let us test SGD on generated data.
# test on the generated data
sgd.est <- sgd.lm(X, y, beta.init = c(-4, -5), alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 10000)
## Converged.
## Iterated 382 times.
## Coef: 1.006272 2.995898
betas <-, sgd.est$coef)))
colnames(betas) <- c("beta0", "beta1")
betas <- betas %>% mutate(iter = 1:nrow(betas))
betas <- melt(betas, id.vars = "iter", = "coef")
ggplot(betas, aes(iter, value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = coef)) + ylim(c(0, 3.5))
We find that the trace plots of SGD are not as smooth as GD.
Now let us test on bodyfat data.
bodyfat <- read.csv("./Bodyfat.csv")
# Note the importance of scaling
bodyfat.X <- bodyfat %>% select(Abdomen, Weight) %>% scale() %>% as.matrix()
bodyfat.X <- cbind(1, bodyfat.X)
bodyfat.y <- bodyfat %>% select(bodyfat) %>% as.matrix()
sgd.bodyfat <- sgd.lm(bodyfat.X, bodyfat.y, beta.init = c(0, 0, 0), alpha = 0.05,
tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 10000)
## Converged.
## Iterated 1362 times.
## Coef: 19.78609 10.81002 -5.165585
betas <-, sgd.bodyfat$coef)))
colnames(betas) <- c("beta0", "beta1", "beta2")
betas <- betas %>% mutate(iter = 1:nrow(betas))
betas <- melt(betas, id.vars = "iter", = "coef")
ggplot(betas, aes(iter, value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = coef)) + ylim(c(-10, 25))
Note that you need re-scale your results.
We focus on the generated data. First recall Newton Method.
# newton method
func = function(beta) {
sum((y - beta[1] - beta[2] * x)^2)/2/length(y)
grad = function(beta) {
matrix(c(sum(-2 * (y - beta[1] - beta[2] * x)), sum(-2 * x * (y - beta[1] - beta[2] *
x))), 2, 1)/length(y)
hess = function(beta) {
matrix(c(2 * length(x), 2 * sum(x), 2 * sum(x), 2 * sum(x^2)), 2, 2)/length(y)
newton <- function(f3, x0, tol = 1e-09, n.max = 100) {
# Newton's method for optimisation, starting at x0 f3 is a function that given x
# returns the list {f(x), grad f(x), Hessian f(x)}
x <- x0
f3.x <- f3(x)
xs <- list()
xs[[1]] <- x
n <- 0
while ((max(abs(f3.x[[2]])) > tol) & (n < n.max)) {
x <- x - solve(f3.x[[3]], f3.x[[2]])
f3.x <- f3(x)
n <- n + 1
xs[[n + 1]] <- x
if (n == n.max) {
cat("newton failed to converge. \n")
} else {
cat("iterated", n + 1, "times. \n")
## Newton optimization
optimOut <- newton(function(beta) {
list(func(beta), grad(beta), hess(beta))
}, c(-4, -5))
## iterated 2 times.
Now we plot the traces of Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent and Newton method.
trace.newton <- data.frame(x = sapply(optimOut, `[`, 1), y = sapply(optimOut, `[`, 2)) <- data.frame(x = sapply(gd1$coef, `[`, 1), y = sapply(gd1$coef, `[`, 2))
trace.sgd <- data.frame(x = sapply(sgd.est$coef, `[`, 1), y = sapply(sgd.est$coef, `[`, 2))
xs <- seq(-5, 5, length = 100)
ys <- seq(-5, 5, length = 100)
g <- expand.grid(xs, ys)
z <- sapply(1:dim(g)[1], function(i){lm.cost(X, y, c(g[i,1],g[i,2]))})
f_long <- data.frame(x = g[,1], y = g[,2], z = z)
colors <- c("SGD" = "blue", "Newton" = "red", "GD" = "green")
ggplot(f_long, aes(x, y, z = z)) +
geom_contour_filled(aes(fill = stat(level)), bins = 200) +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
geom_path(data = trace.sgd, aes(x, y, z=0, color = 'SGD'), arrow = arrow(), alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(data = trace.sgd, aes(x, y, z=0, color = 'SGD'), size = 1.1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_path(data = trace.newton, aes(x, y, z=0, color = 'Newton'), arrow = arrow(), alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(data = trace.newton, aes(x, y, z=0, color = 'Newton'), size = 1.1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_path(data =, aes(x, y, z=0, color = 'GD'), arrow = arrow(), alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(data =, aes(x, y, z=0, color = 'GD'), size = 1.1, alpha = 0.5) +
ggtitle('') +
labs(x = expression(beta[0]),
y = expression(beta[1]),
color = "Method") +
scale_color_manual(values = colors)
Newton method converges very fast (if the second derivative exists).
However, the analytic expression for the second derivative is often complicated or intractable, requiring a lot of computation. Therefore, Newton method is not widely used in machine learning.
If the number of training samples is very large, GD may take too long, while using SGD will be faster because you use only one training sample and it starts improving itself right away from the first sample.
In practice, computing error on every single example leads to large variance in the parameter update. You have found that the trace plots of SGD are much noisier. We can balance the complexity of computing on all training samples and large errors on single samples by computing on some samples (i.e., mini-batch). This would leads to more stable convergence (see the section below for an example).
When the training set is very large, stochastic gradient descent is often preferred over batch gradient descent.
Another issue is the choice of learning rate. See Bottou (2012), Zeiler (2012) and the SGD modules of scikit-learn
in Python for more details.
# test on the generated data <- sgd.lm(X, y, beta.init = c(-4, -5), alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-05, max.iter = 10000,
n.samples = 100)
## Converged.
## Iterated 118 times.
## Coef: 1.005626 2.992949
betas <-,$coef)))
colnames(betas) <- c("beta0", "beta1")
betas <- betas %>% mutate(iter = 1:nrow(betas))
betas <- melt(betas, id.vars = "iter", = "coef")
ggplot(betas, aes(iter, value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = coef)) + ylim(c(-5, 3.5))
Now you can compare mini-batch GD with SGD.
Bottou, Léon. 2012. “Stochastic Gradient Descent Tricks.” In Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade, 421–36. Springer.
Zeiler, Matthew D. 2012. “Adadelta: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method.” arXiv Preprint arXiv:1212.5701.